By: Rory Burnston
Is it necessary to have a team work together to come up with the next brilliant idea?
Some say yes it's absolutely needed where others will say no it is not needed at all.
It's honestly up to the person or persons who will be making decisions.
Many great thinkers and creative developers work alone within the confines of their own space while others require tons of constant feedback partnered with bouncing partial thoughts at someone else who can dot the “I’s” cross every “t” and put the period at the end of the sentence, or in other words work through the process from inception to fruition.
The benefit of having a group process is that you bring a team together so they can learn to work cohesively on all of their individual parts, along with, helping the process of strengthening lines of communication so people are fully aware of the development from beginning to end.
I have found that working in total solitude is best for me, I can go about developing an idea for hours or sometimes for days with barely any downtime, allowing my mind to go off on a zillion tangents circling back around to edit the original idea and watch as it forms into the final creation. After I have all the broad strokes in place and tailored the more minute details, I can then become more able to collaborate without being totally derailed or lost in the mire of others people's thinking processes. Honestly, it might be that I am easily distracted when too many people are talking over one another and my frustration becomes unbearable when valuable time and ideas have been lost in an unorganized discussion.
Over the years I have met and had discussions with many great development teams who work on projects effectively as a seamless entity, they can conjure all sorts of ideas, invent some new processes and even figure out how to develop the entire scheme from start to finish.
Also, you will always find that there are several within those teams who do not contribute unless it is something that they specifically offer as apart of their own personal specialty, otherwise they stay silent while others put their skills and experience to work, intently listening as the others go about offering a myriad of ideas which will eventually be apart of the bigger picture.
I suppose this is where a cohesive structure of how a Think-Tank group should function, I am always game to start one when and if I am to find my counterparts who bring much-needed contributions where I am lacking, I am sure that would be a sublime group to get your hands dirty with.
However, I am sure behind closed doors there is a lot of eye rolling and snide remarks made when people do not agree, and that as well is all apart of the process so they say!
So, when you are trying to decide if you need a team or just a single person to work on your idea, ask yourself, what will it take to get this idea developed, can I personally handle everything from the planning to the manufacturing, acquiring a solid staff, creating and launching marketing and finally shipping your precious project off to its next destination?
If the answer is no you don't know how to start then find your team who will compliment your skills and needs and get it done!